
Friday, March 9, 2012

Tứ Đại Oán

TỨ ĐẠI OÁN - Nhạc cổ truyền Nam phần Việt Nam
(Nguyễn Thanh Thủy & Stefan Osterjo & Hentik Frisk)

Tu Dai Oán is a traditional Vietnamese song. In this performance with Thanh Thuy (playing the dan tranh), Stefan Östersjö (playing 10-string guitar) and Henrik Frisk (laptop), this traditional tune is overlapped with free improvisation with electronics. The performance is from a Scandinavian tour in spring 2009 with The Six Tones, a Swedish/Vietnamese project merging traditional and experimental music. The video was recorded at Atalante in Gothenburg by Niklas Rydén.

Lệ Thu Thảo